Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lil Cap Checci (Little Tarts)

History: Nonna’s friend Connie gave this recipe to Auntie Anna when she lived at the assisted living apartments in New Britain. It was hand written in Italian and translated to English. I have typed both versions.

Lill Cap Checchi
(Little Tarts)

1 qt margarine
¼ lb. margarine

1 small pecchetto crim cisi
1 small package cream cheese

1 copp farina
1 cup flour

Chippi in refrigitera lisat 2 auris
Keep in refrigerator at least 2 hours


3 cuore coppa bran scuiger
¾ cup brown sugar

3 cuore coppa wl nozzi chappi
¾ cup walnuts chopped

1 uovo
1 egg

1 ti spuonno vanella
1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cucchiano burro
1 tablespoon butter

Stoefa 325°
Stove 325°

Cucchi 25 minuzzi
Cook 25 minutes

Buon Appetito

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