Sunday, March 14, 2010

Anasazi Beans

History: When I was a kid I was fascinated with the Indians who lived in Mesa Verde. Somehow I'd heard that there were these beans called Anasazi Beans which had been found in the ruins. Here in Texas I have found these beans . . . . . they come from Colorado. . . . . they are our latest addiction. I have been making them once a week. Here is my recipe.

1 bag Anasazi Beans sorted, washed, and rinsed.

1 large pan

Fill pan with water that is about an inch above the beans. (I use my juice fiber, but you can put the actual vegies in the beans) Mince very fine or put in food processor.

2 carrots

2 celery

1 onion

Cook about an hour stirring and adding water as needed.
Add a tablespoon of garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon red pepper
2 cloves minced garlic
1 can diced tomatoes.
Cook another hour stirring and adding water as needed. Serve with rice or cornbread.

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